qPCR Tracer

Guided application for pipetting

No more errors in dispensing

Easier! Faster! Stress-free!

Videos are only in Japanese at this moment.
What is qPCR Tracer?
How to use qPCR Tracer?
qPCR Tracer
Guided Application for pipetting
  1. Input the pipetting order in advance
  2. Place the microplate (96wells/384wells) on the tablet
  3. Highlight the well to be filled
Reducing human errors and stress
  1. Well location can be read out by automated voice
  2. Alert function for discarding solution when using electronic pipettes
qPCR Tracer
  1. Q. I do not want to contaminate the sample by keeping it on the tablet. / I want to use the microplate on ice.

    A. Please place the microplate next to the tablet. It has an automated voice readout of the location of the well.

  2. Q. Is the light from the tablet safe for dispensing light-sensitive agents?

    A. Dark mode is available

  3. Q. Does it support left-handed users?

    A. Yes. The control panel can be moved to any of the 4 corners.

  4. Q. Is this app available for smartphones?

    A. We recommend using a tablet. You may use it as long as layout remains unaffected. However, please use it at your own risk.